You may have some questions and we have the answers.
- SSZ Healthy Slimming™ using UltraSlim® Professional for your non-invasive and FDA cleared, body contouring and skin rejuvenation!
- Our latest breakthrough in helping you lose fat quickly is the revolutionary UltraSlim technology. It is currently the only technology that guarantees that you will lose at least 2” of fat from your midsection on your first treatment!
- We currently have the exclusive license in College Station, Texas for UltraSlim so, you won’t find it anywhere else near here.
- UltraSlim is fast, pain-free, non-invasive, requires no drugs or surgeries, has zero side- effects or recovery time, and is dramatically effective. In fact, every patient loses fat instantly! *We guarantee that you will lose at least two inches in one hour or your money back. SSZ Healthy Slimming program is physician-supervised.
- Using the latest research and technologies to address the many different factors that cause you not to be able to lose that stubborn fat. We use a special type and dose of our unique phototherapy to shrink fat cells and produce collagen, which naturally results in smoother, younger-looking skin with reduced appearance of lines, wrinkles, and dark spots. Increased elastin works with collagen to tighten the skin, for a younger, firmer appearance.
- UltraSlim is the only FDA Cleared device for immediate fat loss, without dieting, exercise, drugs or surgery.
- In fact, clients had 40 times more fat loss with UltraSlim® than with old-fashioned fat freezers (see Lasers Surg Med. 2014 February; 46(2): 75–80. doi:10.1002/lsm.2220). Patients lost an average of 39.6cc after 8 weeks with CoolSculpting® compared to 1,580cc lost instantly with UltraSlim®.
- There are no adverse outcomes and no subsequent dysmorphic fat accumulations. UltraSlim is better than any other body contouring device out there.
- With our protocols you are not losing muscle mass, or any short-term water loss like with most programs. With UltraSlim, you only lose fat, and you lose it permanently.
The Current Science – Lipolysis Without Equal
A True Biomodulation Masterpiece
- Using the patented photobiomodulation technology, UltraSlim® Professional naturally and on-destructively drains fat cells with lipolysis rather than using cell-killing cold, heat, radio wave radiation, ultrasound, or other energy-based apoptosis.
- This allows the fat inside the cell to drain out into your lymphatic system. It then goes to your liver where it is broken down and excreted in your waste.
- This same protein also causes your skin cells to produce more collagen and elastin, which results in smoother, tighter skin, and a reduction of fine wrinkles and stretch marks, ultimately leading to an amazingly younger appearance.
- UltraSlim clients enjoy immediate circumferential reduction of fat.
- As a dramatic improvement over laser lipolysis, the photonic energy of UltraSlim is not limited to a single pinpoint of scanning pinpoint. Using non-coherent light, UltraSlim’s 150 diodes safely deliver 7.8 times more photonic energy than lasers and delivers a total luminous dose of 10,035 Lux Minutes uniformly to an are up to 23” by 17”.
- The light is produced by patented narrowband light-emitting diodes which concentrate the photonic energy at 635 +/-2nm with selectable exposure time of 8 or 20 minutes, depending on the indication for use.
- Fat cells: Normal fat cells before Treatment.
- During Treatment: Because UltraSlim operates at the cellular level, it does not generate heat as part of its action mechanism, but is instead an extremely complex, cascading photo-chemical mechanism.
Completely non-invasive, this UltraSlim has never shown any recorded side effects and patients do not experience any discomfort during the treatments. The modulated red light drains and shrinks the fat cells while also tightening and smoothing the skin, adding new collagen and elastin. - The liberated fat cell contents are then drained by the lymphatic system and processed by the liver as part of the body’s normal course of detoxification. The pore in the fat cell will close in about 48-72 hours and the liberated contents will be expelled in the client’s stool over the next few days.
- There are no adverse outcomes and no subsequent dysmorphic fat accumulations should the client gain weight through an intake of too many calories.
- As the UltraSlim light passes through the dermal layers it increases the energy levels inside cells and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. In so doing –UltraSlim treatments delivers multiple benefits for the skin beyond mere healing and regeneration.
- UltraSlim Professional is the only Risk Group 1 body contouring device, safer than any competing device.
1. Who is UltraSlim Fat Loss Treatments For?
- Any person, who does not have any contra-indications to this treatment, who wants to lose from 5 lbs. to 100+ lbs.
2. If I am pregnant and have put on too much weight during my pregnancy, can I do UltraSlim treatments?
- No. UltraSlim treatments can NOT be done during pregnancy. However, you can receive UltraSlim treatments as soon as you give birth and with doctor approval, to shed the unwanted inches, tighten and reduce the stretch marks that pregnancy caused.
3. Can diabetics do UltraSlim?
- Absolutely! Diabetics get excellent results with UltraSlim. By losing excess fat, diabetic clients can alleviate many of the common symptoms of diabetes.
4. How does our Healthy Slimming & Cellulite Treatment Work? Liberate Fat from Your Cells!
- Using our patented photobiomodulation technology, UltraSlim® Professional naturally and on-destructively drains fat cells with lipolysis rather than using cell-killing cold, heat, radio wave radiation, ultrasound, or other energy-based apoptosis.
- This allows the fat inside the cell to drain out into your lymphatic system. It then goes to your liver where it is broken down and excreted in your waste.
- This same protein also causes your skin cells to produce more collagen and elastin, which results in smoother, tighter skin, and a reduction of fine wrinkles and stretch marks, ultimately leading to an amazingly younger appearance.
- UltraSlim clients enjoy immediate circumferential reduction of fat.
- As a dramatic improvement over laser lipolysis, the photonic energy of UltraSlim is not limited to a single pinpoint of scanning pinpoint. Using non-coherent light, UltraSlim’s 150 diodes safely deliver 7.8 times more photonic energy than lasers and delivers a total luminous dose of 10,035 Lux Minutes uniformly to an are up to 23” by 17”.
- The light is produced by our patented narrowband light-emitting diodes which concentrate the photonic energy at 635+/-2nm with selectable exposure time of 8 or 20 minutes, depending on the indication for use.” Source: Ward Photonics
Call (979) 693-6100 or email,, for a free consultation today.
5. How often can fat loss UltraSlim treatments be done?
- For best results treatments should be done 1 time per weeks to allow your liver enough time to process out the released fat.
6. How many treatments will I need?
- Each body is different and your UltraSlim® provider will create a treatment plan based on your individual needs.
- Clients typically commit to 8 session to start with, unless we assess less sessions are optimal for your specific goal. We want clients to be satisfied and see/know their results. If clients need more than 8 sessions, they will continue because they know this works.
- Check out Client Results www. to see typical results from our clients.
7. How long does it take to do a fat loss treatment appointment?
- 8 minutes per area.
- The ‘WaistBuster’ and/or ThighBuster, as examples, takes 32 total minutes each [4 areas treated in each of these two services].
- The 1st, 4th and 8th sessions are longer due to measurements, etc.
- Therefore, based on your unique treatment plan, appointments last 35 minutes to one hour.
8. What does the fat loss treatment feel like?
- The treatment is slightly warm and very pleasant. The light is positioned over your body several inches away, never touching you.
- Many say it is actually quite relaxing and good time to get a little nap in!
Call (979) 693-6100 or email,, for a free consultation today.
9. What do I need to wear during a fat loss treatment?
For Women:
- NO body lotion of any type is to be on your body.
- Bra: doNOT wear any black or silk
- Underwear: Whatever underwear you are wearing for that day. However, do NOT wear black or silk. If you are comfortable in doing so, wear a thong style underwear – to get the most exposure on your body.
- Underwear:OURS: we provide disposable, hygienic, paper underwear which maximizes your treatment.
For Men:
- No specific preparation other than NO body lotion.
- Reminder: you will take your shirt off during treatment and keep your pants/slacks on
- Body hair on the torso can reduce the effectiveness of the light penetrating the skin. To maximize your results, you should shave your torso with an electric trimmer. If your technician believes that your body hair will reduce the effectiveness of treatment, you may be asked to reschedule your appointment.
10. When the fat melts away, where does it go?
- The liberated emulsified fat that is released by the fat cells is absorbed by the body’s lymphatic system, where it is then, by natural means, process into waste. Simply put, the fat cells are voided from the body.
- This material is not reintroduced into the blood stream so there will not be an increase in blood cholesterol or triglyceride levels.
11. How long does it take to get results with UltraSlim?
- We guarantee that clients will lose 2 inches the first session or they do not pay for the treatment.
- Clients continue to lose fat each session.
- How much fat you lose each session depends on; your body’s response to treatments, compliance with how to optimize your results [easy to do!], etc.
- Please check out our Client Results www.of our clients to give you an idea of fat lose…knowing you will see how your body responds to treatments.
12. Do some people respond better than others?
- Yes,those with higher metabolic rates can excrete the fat cell contents a bit faster.
- However, UltraSlim works for people of all ages and body types.
13. How long does the weight loss last?
- The weight loss will last as long as you want it to. Just like anything else, to keep it, you have to maintain it!
- Incorporating calorie neutral eating and light to moderate activity such as, a regular workout routine consisting of walking 30 minutes per day or even our SuperSlow Zone, ‘Personal Strength & Balance’ program would be very beneficial.
Call (979) 693-6100 or email,, for a free consultation today.
14. What kind of benefits does UltraSlim provide in addition to dramatic fat reduction?
- Other Services: Skin Rejuvenation, Non-Invasive Facelift and Tightening Loose Skin
- UltraSlim is also known to reduce fine lines, age spots and wrinkles.
- It provides skin tightening, builds collagen and elasticity, increase blood circulation, enhances the metabolism and reduces the appearance of cellulite, all the while detoxifying and reviving the body.
- See the FAQ for these.
15. How can I maximize my UltraSlim fat loss results?
- Use whole body vibration at the end of your session [we provide this].
- Drink 64 ounces or more of water per day.
- Do not drink alcohol or caffeine during treatments.
- Wear compression garments.
- Eat smart, by limiting your fat and sugar intake.
- Do low to medium intensity workouts [for example: our SuperSlow Zone, ‘Personal Strength & Balance’ program, walking, etc.].
- Take supplements to detoxify the liver prior to starting/during program. [Two idea supplements.]
16. What is the cost of Fat Loss treatments?
- The price for the Fat Loss treatments varies depending on your areas of concern, the number of treatments neededto achieve your ultimate goals.
- However, most people opt to receive treatments in multiple body areas in order to achieve their goals.
- All clients to date feel the cost to the value they received is well worth it.
Call (979) 693-6100 or email,, for a free consultation today.
17. Is there a guarantee with UltraSlim Fat Loss Treatments?
- Yes
- If you have purchased a package and on your first visit for any reason do not lose a combined 2 inches from your torso, hips and thighs, you will receive a full refund of the 1st session.
- We will address this with you to ensure your refund occurs before you leave our office after your first treatments is completed. We do not give refunds after our clients leaves their 1st session.
18. Is there any pain, discomfort or down time?
- No! UltraSlim never has any type of pain or discomfort and there is absolutely no downtime.
19. Are there any required drugs?
- No
- However, we do suggest two nutritional supplements to aid in the natural detoxification process (at your discretion).
-Niacin: slow/time release, non-flush 500mg 1X a day
-Niacin: slow/time release, non-flush 500mg 1X a day
20. Do I need to eat a special diet?
- No
- However, it is common sense that improved healthy eating will support you goals and have your body fight the fat lose it is working to achieve.
- Once your goals are achieved, calorie neutral eating helps to maintain your fat loss.
Call (979) 693-6100 or email,, for a free consultation today.
21. In the past, when I lost weight, I got a lot of unsightly sagging skin as a result. Will UltraSlim cause the same thing?
- No
- UltraSlim actually tightens your skin by creating lots of new collagen and elastin in the skin cells. If you have sagging skin and stretch marks from previous weight loss, UltraSlim will even help you greatly reduce that!
22. Where can I see an UltraSlim body sculpting procedure?
- When you set a free consultation, to see if this is a fit for you, we show you this wonderful device.
23. How does UltraSlim compare to other non-invasive fat killing procedures such as microwaves, freezing, or ultrasound cavitation?
- These procedures all have the same side possible effects as liposuction.
- They also can be extremely painful either at the time of the procedure or several days later when injured nerve cell endings begin to regrow again.
- Finally, UltraSlim is the only FDA Cleared device that produces immediate results with no pain, down time, side effects, medications, etc.
24. What about liposuction?
- Liposuction surgery is always very risky. People have died from liposuction, infections are quite common and there is always some form of side effects after the procedure. One of the many problems with liposuction is that it kills the fat cells in the area where it is performed. As we age, almost all of us will gain weight. Since the fat cells were killed by liposuction, your body must store the extra fat in surrounding areas or in the fat cells that were missed during the surgery. Thus, resulting in ugly bumps, bulges and wrinkles that develop after surgery. Sometimes this happens immediately and sometimes it can take several years.
25. Comparison and Contrast to compare UltraSlim to coolsculptingand SculpSure
- Clearly Superior Technology. All competing non-invasive fat removal technologies require weeks or months to achieve the results that UltraSlim® achieves in 32 minutes, during one visit.
- Most competing technologies use cell-killing apoptosis caused by cold, heat, radio waves, or ultrasound. Those less-effective technologies risk dangerous side effects and adverse outcomes, while always resulting in dysmorphic fat accumulations for patients who subsequently gain weight.
Call (979) 693-6100 or email,, for a free consultation today.
26. UltraSlim versus Zerona. What is the difference?
- The Zerona’s five 7.5 mW laser-emitting diodes are mild compared to more recent technological advances such as the UltraSlim! Regarding the penetration depth of Zerona versus UltraSlim’s LEDS, the photographs below clearly demonstrate the significant superiority of UltraSlim in penetrating skin and fat. UltraSlim delivers 8 times MORE photonic energy than Zerona.
27. UltraSlim versus CoolSculpt. What is the difference?
- In fact, clients had 40 times more fat loss with UltraSlim® than with old-fashioned fat freezers (see Lasers Surg Med. 2014 February; 46(2): 75–80. doi:10.1002/lsm.2220). Patients lost an average of 39.6cc after 8 weeks with CoolSculpting® compared to 1,580cc lost instantly with UltraSlim®.
28. I already had liposuction or another procedure that killed the fat cells, and I am already suffering from this disfigurement. Can UltraSlim help?
- Yes
- UltraSlim can remove the ugly bumps, bulges, and wrinkles that resulted from your liposuction surgery or other procedure. In fact, a large percentage of UltraSlim clients have already had unsuccessful liposuction surgery.
- However, you will have to see how much UltaSlim can help as it depends on many factors.
29. What about body wraps?
- They are great for a quick, temporary minimal loss of size due to water loss. However, it is money thrown away, because everything you lost will come back in the next day or two when you drink water again. UltraSlim is permanent fat loss.
30. Is UltraSlim safe?
- Yes, UltraSlim is perfectly safe.
- There have been no reports of anyone ever experiencing any side effect or bad outcome.
- Some people ask if UltraSlim is too bright. UtlraSlim is NOT as bright on your skin as walking into the midday sun and UtlraSlim does not include dangerous UV rays like the sun.
Call (979) 693-6100 or email,, for a free consultation today.
31. How bright is UltraSlim? Is there any danger?
- The light outside is four times brighter than the light from an UltraSlim device. Unlike sunlight, UltraSlim is pure red light and does NOT include UVA or UVB rays.
32. Are there any contraindications to using UltraSlim?
- Yes
- We have a list that you would know about prior to learning about UltraSlim through a consultation so that we do not waste your time.
33. How Can UltraSlim help Cellulite?
- UltraSlim can help cellulite specifically and when clients have treatments for fat loss often a natural consequence is a reduction of cellulite
- The UltraSlim® cellulite treatment visibly reduces the appearance of cellulite. Each treatment lasts about 20 minutes per area, as the light reduces visible cellulite producing results that dieting and exercise cannot achieve.
34. How does it work?
- UltraSlim® drains the fat from the cellulite leaving the skin smooth and vibrant. Potential zones include back of thigh, front of thigh, the buttocks, or the lower abdomen. Contains no UV radiation, pain free, quick and effective. Say goodbye to your old skin and hello to you renewed, younger, healthier skin.
35. Can the Cellulite Treatment be combined with other treatment areas?
- Yes, it can be combined with other treatment areas.
Call (979) 693-6100 or email,, for a free consultation today.
36.How was UltraSlim invented?
- Light therapy has been used in the United States for over 40 years, but only recently has the technology been advanced enough to provide fat reduction, as well as, tightening and rejuvenating of the skin. This type of light therapy has been used in hospital burn units for accelerated healing, as part of “smart” liposuction and non-narcotic pain relief.
- In 2011, Terry J. Ward, M.H.A. invented the patented UltraSlim fat reduction process at their head office in Orlando, Florida. Together with research by UltraSlim employees Robyn Hovey and NASA-veteran Heidi Araya, Ward developed a new generation of non-laser light therapy using light-emitting diodes (LEDs).As a result, UltraSlim delivers permanent fat loss results with one 32-minute sessions.
37.Have there been clinical studies of UltraSlim?
- Yes
In 2015 multi-site clinical trials (NCT02867150), researchers documented the results that your clients want:
–Immediate Results. All patients lost fat immediately — without dieting, exercise, drugs, or surgery.
–Dramatic Fat Loss At Each Visit. Patients lost an average of 1,580cc of fat in just 32 minutes (3.5″ combined waist, hips, and thighs). During one visit!
–Works For Everyone. Every patient had clinically significant losses at each visit, ranging from 717cc to 4,608cc (1 5/8″ to 10” from the waist, hips, and thighs).
–A Safer Device. UltraSlim® Professional is the only fat reduction device classified in the lowest risk category as a Risk Group 1 device. There are no side effects, complications, or adverse events.
–Durability. Patients seen at follow-up had lost an additional 1 1/8″ of fat during the week following treatment. With UltraSlim®, patients lose the fat permanently through a natural bodily function known as “lipolysis”, whereby the contents of their fat cells are excreted primarily in their waste. Once you flush the toilet, that fat cannot come back! Of course, patients can gain weight in the future if they consume too many calories.
38. FDA Clearance
- The FDA has cleared the devices for body contouring (K160880) and skin treatments (K150336) and for pain (K180338).
39. Patents
- UltraSlim® devices and services are provided subject to licensing of U.S. Patent 9,044,595, U.S. Patent 9,498,641, and U.S. Patent 9,808,314.
- The United States Patent and Trademark Office has awarded three patents and related patents are pending in 146 countries.
40.Where Is the Device Manufactured?
- UltraSlim devices are manufactured by Ward Photonics LLC in Cocoa Beach, Florida.
41.Who Owns UltraSlim?
- UltraSlim devices are owned by Ward Photonics LLC in Cocoa Beach, Florida.
Call (979) 693-6100 or email,, for a free consultation today.
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