Hate To Exercise – Muscle & Strength Worth Every Minute For 5+ Year

Hate To Exercise – Muscle & Strength Worth Every Minute For 5+ Year
I have always wanted to try a personal trainer but was either too lazy or too embarrassed to figure out how to get one at the local “Y” or the local gym. While driving up and down Route 31 the SuperSlow Zone® signs caught my eye and I was very curious about several things…the personal trainer, the 20 minute workout, and the SLOWness of the workout. I stopped to check it out and haven’t regretted it since.
I started last April 2008 [almost 4 years now!] and everything that Kevin and his crew advertise is true . You have a personal trainer. And, on occasion there might be some other person finishing or starting their workout while you are there. They are very thorough before you start and as you progress . And, you do make progress! They want to know your medical history and care about how you are feeling each time you work out.
I am over 50 and I know I will have trouble losing weight (I love food and hate to exercise.) But now that I have done SuperSlow Zone® for several months…I feel better. My clothes fit better and I know that I am stronger. I have no trouble picking up my 5 year old daughter with one arm . I have muscle definition (who knew?) And, it is aerobic. But what I love most is that it is a 20-25 minute workout and you are done! You schedule at your convenience and the staff is always very courteous and helpful . Try it!
P.S. – For those intellectual exercisers – there are lots of articles to read, if you want, on the science of SuperSlow Zone®.
Sandra G. – Age 55+ , Career Transition Consultant
Sandra G. - Age 55+, Career Transition Consultant