SuperSlow Zone has been a Life Changing Experience!

SuperSlow Zone has been a Life Changing Experience!
My experience with SSZ is life changing. I was submitting to getting older and accepting to aches and pains. I use to work out with the traditional weights for strength but seemed that after every workout, I was sore for days and did not have the muscle strength compared to SSZ workouts.
I almost gave up, but intuitively knew I had to do something to enjoy life more with activities and SSZ changed all that. The knee pain is literally gone. I had other issues with hips when walking and neck and shoulder soreness at the end of the day due to the nature of my job. I am now playing tennis again with ease and doing yard work with stamina. The everyday functional movements is a piece of cake now, bending, squatting etc. I look forward to the workout at SSZ because I can tell the difference. I am impressed with the results. It did not happen overnight but it will in short order. It is not easy, mind you, it takes concentration and effort but is worth it. You will get the guidance, custom made. Give it a try.
Mina - Age 60, Fitness Program