A Typical SuperSlow Zone® Workout
You may have some questions
and we have the answers.
Bangor, ME SuperSlow Zone® is a distinctive health and exercise studio.
Welcome to SuperSlow Zone®, located in Bangor, Maine – a unique, professional service exercise studio, owned by Lyn Bragdon. Clients can range from ages 12 – 90 who desire sustainable results by working with an Accredited, Certified SuperSlow Zone® Instructor.
Lyn brings her broad experience, enthusiasm and a sincere desire to help people feel stronger to SuperSlow Zone®. “I have always wanted to have my own business, however, it had to be something I believed in.”
Our clients are discerning, busy people. Some don’t really like to exercise, some may not have exercised in a while…or ever!, and then there are those who look forward to exercising but are looking for a quality experience with results in the least amount of time. ALL of our clients know they have to do something. So they select us – exercise that works at a fair-priced, attractive location with purposeful, professional staff. Lyn and her staff are passionately committed to their client’s success. What matters? What our client’s say. Check out our National Success Stories.