Are you still searching for your ‘Exercise pot of gold’ at the end of the Rainbow Too?

Are you still searching for your ‘Exercise pot of gold’ at the end of the Rainbow Too?
Are you still searching for your ‘Exercise pot of gold’ at the end of the Rainbow Too? 1024 594 St. Louis, MO St. Louis, MO, early 60s, knew the gym was NOT for her when she grew tired of:
- Group training
- People talking more than lifting weights
- Felt her time was always being wasted
- Her strength was NOT improving
- And noise
She decided to give SuperSlow Zone® [SSZ] Sugar Land a try.
Her transition from the gym rat life to a SSZ’s concierge exercise and wellness studio service was, in her experience, nothing short of a miracle.
Her dedicated SSZ Specialist cares about her success by knowing and tracking her specific results through a personalized strength training program.
She was told she would gain maximum measurable results, in minimum time. Boy was that true! A 20-minute workouts, 2 times a week. And it works.
What Is SSZ Exercise?
SuperSlow Zone strength training is a technique in which you lift and lower a weight more slowly than usual. For example, you take about 10 seconds to lift the weight and another 10 seconds to lower the weight.
Superslow Zone strength training: Does it work? – Mayo Clinic › fitness › faq-20058220
20 Minutes Can’t Be Enough…Can It?
Limiting workouts to no more than 20 minutes is not merely a matter of convenience.
Doing more volume of exercise within an exercise session than what is minimally required to enable your body to “make more muscle” is unnecessary and there is a greater likelihood of interfering with the rest, recovery and the muscle growth process is complete.
In addition, as we get older, our ability to recover from any stimulus imposed upon our bodies takes progressively longer. If recovery is not complete before we exercise again, no adaptive response will occur. This does not mean optimal adaptive response—It means no adaptive response whatsoever will occur.
Does It Work?
“Strength increases in subjects using the SuperSlow® training protocol showed that SuperSlow® training affected a 50% greater increase in strength as compared to the traditional speed training.”
Wayne L. Westcott, Ph.D. (and others) Effects of Regular and Slow Speed
Resistance Training on Muscle Strength, Journal of Sports Medicine and
Physical Fitness, 2001, Vol 41, Issue 2. Page 154-158
Marian felt like SuperSlow Zone was the pot of ‘exercise gold’ she had always been looking for at the end of the rainbow when:
- Her strength immensely improved
- She is now full of energy to engage and play with her grandchildren
- It is much easier for her to get up and down off the floor
- Marian’s big win? When her son noticed how toned her arms are!
SuperSlow Zone has made a huge difference in Marian’s overall quality of life and she truly couldn’t be happier.