
Transform Your Health Journey Today

Experience the science-backed approach that's helping adults 45+ achieve remarkable results in just 20 minutes, twice a week.

Jaquish, J. (2013). Osteoporosis International. 198; 24(4), s594-s595. Hunte, B., Jaquish, J., & Huck, C. (2015). Journal of Osteoporosis & Physical Activity, 3(146), 2. Clients results will vary based on their DEXA scan baseline, physiology, etc.

Not A Drug

FDA Registered

Physician Endorsed


15 Minute Session1 X Weekly

Not A Drug

FDA Registered

Physician Endorsed


15 Minute Session1 X Weekly

Never too young nor old to take your health to the next level with the best science and technology in 15 minutes/week

Physician Endorsements

“Using optimal biomechanics and loading bones through compression, osteogenic loading response (bone growth) is stimulated and ultimately improves. My patients are in control during the entire session and are never forced to strain – it is at their pace, and comfort level. I have seen my patients improve bone density over 8% in one year, which is a gain that is unparalleled with any other modality used in clinical practice today.”

Kevin Hall, MD, FAARFM
General Surgery


Osteoporosis Drugs

NYT Reports Drugs Rotting Jaws &
Snapped Thighbones

Fearing Drugs’ Rare Side Effects, Millions Take Their Chances With Osteoporosis

Who Is It For?

  • You have Osteopenia/Osteoporosis
  • Prevention

What Is It?

Two Proven & Innovative Exercise Technologies

  • Medical-grade bioDensity
  • Power plate

Together, in just 15 minutes a week, you’ll stimulate your body’s natural bone generation process based on the science of Wolff’s Law.

Don’t End Up as One Of These Statistics

  • Worldwide, 1-in-3 women and 1-in-5 men over the age of 50 will experience osteoporotic fractures
  • 10 million Americans have osteoporosis
  • $7 billion is spent annually on osteoporosis medication in the U.S
Jason Conviser,
(Ph.D., MBA)
Conviser’s Full Bio

Senior executive with significant domestic and international experience managing business units. Expert in fitness / wellness industry, sport medicine, metabolic syndrome and bringing health care to the general public outside of a clinical environment. Skilled in operations, strategic planning and marketing of wellness, health care and fitness products and services. Through consulting, developed relationships with world health leaders, key corporate decision makers, and subject matter experts throughout the United States as well as in China, Italy, Brazil, Indonesia, Turkey, Mexico and Australia. With the following selected accomplishments:

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Career Highlights

  • Authored five books.
  • Speaker at 38 international conferences.
  • Conducted over 550 health and wellness presentations to groups ranging in size from 5-3000.
  • Authored over 45 articles in scientific journals, trade publications and large distribution newspapers.

Snapshot of Publications

Book: Osteogenic Loading, J.Conviser, E.Hynote, R.Singh, J.Jaquish, JIR 2012

Research– Dr. Conviser’s research regarding bioDensity Training and Power Plate Whole-Body

Call Today:

SuperSlow Zone West County, St. Louis, MO. sszwestcountystlouis.com

15421 Clayton Road Ste. 102 Ballwin,
MO 63011 636-220-1010


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