
Transform Your Health Journey Today

Experience the science-backed approach that's helping adults 45+ achieve remarkable results in just 20 minutes, twice a week.

Trying to do what’s right for your health, can sometimes feel like looking for a needle in a haystack…

Trying to do what’s right for your health, can sometimes feel like looking for a needle in a haystack…

Trying to do what’s right for your health, can sometimes feel like looking for a needle in a haystack… 861 883 St. Louis, MO

A Horrible Case of Osteoporosis

Kerry, early 50’s, had just been diagnosed with a horrible case of osteoporosis, when her doctor recommended a place right across the street called SuperSlow Zone that her co-worker goes to.


Happy, Energized & Perky – Only 15 minutes, Once A Week

Her doctor didn’t know much about it at the time, but she did know that her co-worker always came back to work feeling: Happy, Energized and Perky!

AND she ONLY GOES ONCE A WEEK, 15 minutes – during her lunch break.

SuperSlow Zone has Proven Medical Exercise to:

    Reverse, Stabilize, or Slow Down the Degrading of Bones.


Was The Hunt Finally Over?

For Kerry, the hunt was finally over!

Kerry reduced her diagnoses from Osteoporosis to Osteopenia, and has had a 15% increase in her bone density in ONE YEAR. 

She knew this was the place for her and is now a forever client of SuperSlow Zone, Sugar Land, TX.


Strong Bone Health Program

Your entire session just you and your SuperSlow Zone Specialist,
in a sanitized, cool, beautiful, and uplifting environment.

Under constant, expert guidance by your SuperSlow Zone Specialist, your first exercise is on
medical-grade whole-body vibration equipment that gently and safely prepares
your muscles.

Your second exercise is on specialized equipment for bone growth which requires
no more effort or skill than the desire to be free of medication and free of side effects.

Your results and vibrant health is SSZ’s passion.