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Love/Hate Relationship with Exercise?

Love/Hate Relationship with Exercise?

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Mixed Emotions: Can love and hate co-exist?

The not so big secret to a long, healthy, active, and vibrant life, is something many of us have a love/hate relationship with, and that is, exercise! You know how vital it is for your health in order for you to live.


In many recent studies we are finding that some of the biggest reasons why people

don’t like to exercise or struggle in general to exercise is: time, putting a large focus

on appearance and even biochemical makeups of one’s brain and muscle.



A study published in the Journal of Health Psychology states that “appearance-

focused or body-shaming marketing tactics are actually a large part of the problem.”

Results showed that the stronger the stigma was about “weight” the more

people dreaded exercise – resulting in less actually working out.



Typical Barriers to Exercise

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For instance, you may find a small open window of time within your busy schedule but saying to yourself some of the following:

  • I just don’t have enough
  • I feel it’s difficult to simply start.
  • I might feel intimidated – I haven’t exercised in a while.
  • I feel overwhelmed with “no-pain no-gain”.
  • I hate sweating. Is this true? “If you’re not sweating, you’re not working hard enough”.
  • I don’t want to get injured.

These can cause you to struggle and feel unpleasant about exercise.


At SuperSlow Zone, we get it.

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And these are all completely normal reactions and feelings. However, you deserve to feel GOOD when you exercise!

It’s not about pain, or how much you sweat, it’s not about forcing yourself, it’s not even about punishment. You’re worth more than that. You’re worth feeling accomplished, empowered, strong, and proud of yourself.


In fact, according to Dr. Michael Fredericson, a sports-medicine physician at the

Stanford University Medical Center, sweat isn’t even an indicator of calorie


The amount you sweat is very individual. It’s not necessarily a reflection of how

hard you’re working out. People often think, Oh, I sweated so much at the gym

earlier, I must have burnt a lot of calories, but it’s more an indication of having

been very warm.



Further studies are showing that, “incorporating strength training into your routine

can make your feel more mentally engaged and even boost your mental energy

and focus. Many people mentioned feeling more empowered and energized by

adding strength training into their lives.”




Is There A Different Way To Exercise That Works?

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-SuperSlow Zone will do the following: you with your Certified Instructor

  • Show you a 20 minute, 2x/week, effective, sweat free strength building that works
  • Cool, 68O exercise environment for improved focus and exercise performance
  • End your exercise block
  • Improve your mobility and posture
  • Help you enjoy a healthier, more active lifestyle
  • Enable you to LIVE BETTER, LONGER